There existence nothing other than God
God is without beginning or end, eternally
true and self-evident. Hence in order to prove the existence of God there is no
need of a cognizer, an object to be cognized and a means of cognization. In
fact it is from God alone that the concepts of an object to be cognized and the
means of cognization etc., take their shape. God is eternal; it is not that He
came into existence at a particular time or place. That is why he never ceases
to be or disappears at any particular time or place. That is why He never
ceases to be or disappears at any particular moment or place; He is
everlasting. It is due to impurity of our heart that He does not come to be
realized by us. The moment the heart gets purified and the veil of ignorance is
lifted the light of God automatically flashes on us even as the sun shines
forth the moment the clouds disperse. The sun has been there already blazing,
it did not come to light due to its being screened by the clouds. Similarly God
does not come to light due to His being screened by the veil of ignorance, even
though He is already existent.
God is uniform and integral. He is never
liable to any change or growth. It cannot be conceived that God is in a lesser
degree here and in a large measure there, integral at one place and partial at
another. He is integral everywhere. His integrality is so peculiar that if the
whole is taken out of it. What everywhere. His integrality is so peculiar that
if the whole is taken out of it what emains is equally integral. The self is
integral in the elephant in the same way as it is integral in the ant. The self
does not vary in size according as the body tenanted by it is big or small. So
does God ever remain integral in the entire cosmos and even beyond it – before
creation, during the period of creation and even after its dissolution. Whether
anyone knows him or not, His integrality ever remains complete everywhere.
God is not limited by time and space; for He
is self evident everywhere at all time and for all, Rather all time, all space
and all owe their existence to Him. Without God at the background there can be
no cognizaion of time or space. In God or His knowledge there is no distinction
of knower and the knowable. Difference is perceived due to a
limitation(Upadhi). The existence of the knowable as apart from knowledge
cannot be proved and without the object
to be known the concept of knownship too is out of the question. In this way
the knower ship too is out of the question. In this way the knowable and the
knower are mutually dependent; but God or His realization being a self-evident
truth, nothing is required to prove His existence. God is altogether beyond
description. Knowledge, the knower and the object to be known are aspects of the
same God conceived on account of the difference caused by limitations. In
reality God is differenceless and ever consisting of His own essential
Though ever permeating all time and space,
God is not perceived or realized because the veil of Avidya (ignorance), even
though unreal, has come to intervene. That is why your eternal charcter has
fallen into oblivion and, regarding yourself, you, who are of the nature of
Truth, have identified yourself with the body. Therefore, in order to realize God,
your own self, you have to do nothing beyond throwing aside curtain of Avidya.
In order to achieve this arrive at the firm and true conviction that you are
the Self, the God is essentially identical with the Self, there exists nothing
other than God and that God alone pervades everywhere at all times and in all
- Existence nothing other than God