Faith and reverence make a
man's life ever hopeful and cheerful
God is eternally true, all
blissful, all powerful, all knowing, the ruler and the disinterested Friend of
all. All these adjuncts do not pertain to Him as so many attributes existing
apart from him. They constitute His very being, His essential character.
Therefore, while bearing all these essential attributes, God is unaccountably
benevolent to all living beings; for benevolence constitutes His very nature.
Therefore His unaccountable Grace is eternally and uninterruptedly raining on
you in an endless shower.
A course of destiny is
ordained for every living being under the control of that ruler of the universe
and by his power. No dispensation of that
disinterested Friend can be fraught with the least harm or evil to us.
He is never liable to misconception or error nor does His power ever suffer any
diminution; and this rules out the possibility of any error or flaw in His
decision laying down a course of destiny for us or in its conducing to our
The fact that the benign
dispensation of the Lord, who is your greatest friend and is unaccountably
gracious by nature, appears unwelcome to you and makes you unhappy is mainly
attributable to your ignorance, your misapprehension and the perversity of your
intellect that determines what is conducive to your best interests and
beatitude. His dispensation for you and every single experience that you have
to undergo as a result of it is really conducive to your supreme good; for it
is ordained by Him alone who, besides being eternally true, all-blissful,
all-powerful and all-knowing, is friendly to you by nature.
It is due to lack of faith
alone that doubting the benignity of his dispensation you remain ever unhappy
and not only feel worried but resolve and endeavour to replace it with a scheme
of your own, which lands you in despair, disquietude and sorrow rather than
give you peace of mind and happiness, which ever remain out of sight.
If you put faith in the
natural goodwill of the omnipotent Lord, you will at once derive consolation
and peace of mind, which will put an end to all your miseries once for all and
make you naturally happy. Then in every situation created by Him, you will
continue to feel His most benignant, sweet and delightful touch. In every
circumstance you will behold His most gracious, sweet and soul-reavishing smile
with you unperplexed and joyful eyes. In every situation you will perceive His
most benign, sweet, enchanting and transcendent, which naturally seeks your
highest good; and you will be merged for ever in the ocean of divine joy.
As soon as faith appears the
following will be the result. The entire gloom of disquietude and sorrow will
begin to disappear in the same way as the darkness of night totally melts away
even before sunrise. Therefore, the only thing you should constantly do is to
cast your eyes towards His sweet and soul-captivating benevolent disposition,
to focus your thought on it and incessantly persuade your mind that the
all-benignant, omnipotent and omniscient Lord is unaccountably benevolent to
you, so that no sin or affliction, no misconception or fear, no disquietude or
sorrow can ever cross your shadow, can ever approach you.
A work which is done with
reverence is characterized by enthusiasm and vivacity and is attended with
success. Faith springs up from reverence and engenders reverence in its turn.
Both are interdependent. But where there are faith and reverence success stands
in front of the strivers.
Due to faith and reverence a
man’s life remains ever hopeful and cheerful. The store of energy is ever fresh
in him and he continues to be inspired by a consciousness of facility in work
and is conscious of success at every step.
Faith and reverence generate
a unique energy in the atmosphere, which continues to give strength to the
striver and by virtue of that strength he easily attains his goal. Through a
clay image of Dronacharya, a teacher of archery, and by dint of faith and
reverence, Eklavaya a Bhil youth, acquired proficiency in archery which caused
wonder to Arjuna, nay, to Drona himself.
He alone can attain God, who
has faith in the existence and attainment of God. No true discipline can even
commence without reverence. How can the mind of a sceptic apply to that
pursuit? A man with a doubting mind is doomed only to fall a perish.
Without reverence
earnestness with regard to Sadhna does not come and without earnestness one’s
mind and senses continue to wander between diverse pursuits and sense-objects,
control of one’s senses is out of the question and without sense-control
success cannot be achieved.
Where there is meagre
strength the letter is converted into a major strength and where there is no
energy at all energy crops forth. Reverence and faith lead one to put forth
unstinted effort and that brings even the impossible into the range of
There is no room for
misgiving or reasoning in genuine faith and reverence. The preceptor said, “All
is Brahma, there is nothing but Brahma.” The reverence and faith of the
discipline accepted this as a gospel truth and engaging in the hearing of this
truth, cogitation and contemplation as advised by the preceptor, the striving
disciple succeeded in realizing Brahma (the Absolute). Had he been swayed by
misgiving and guided by reasoning, he would not have accepted the foregoing
conclusion, much less endeavoured t realize it.
Without reverence and faith
a man labours under an inferiority complex and cannot avail himself of the
grace of God. Therefore, develop self-confidence and repose faith in the
unaccountable Grace of the omnipotent Lord, your natural and disinterested
friend. As a sequel to self-confidence your faith in the grace of God as well
will grow and your spiritual endeavour will be crowned with success as a matter
of course through grace of God.
Faith and reverence
constitute that immaculate and constant light and that great spiritual lustre
kindling hope and fervour, which guides a striver through the most trying
circumstances and, dispelling the gloom of all pessimistic thoughts and adverse
circumstances, pushes him with a quick pace along the path of consummate
Faith and reverence
constitute life, while irreverence and unbelief are death,—a painful death which
does not take its victim by surprise but gnaws his vitals slowly. Therefore
always and at all times take recourse to faith and reverence.
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- Faith and reverence make a man life ever hopeful and cheerful
mormon faith, articles of faith, quotes about faith, definition of faith, faith in jesus, faith bible verses, stories of faith, faithfulness, catholic faith, faith and reason, islamic faith, faith poems, christian faith, faith is, having faith