the inevitable and rid yourself of all worries
is all-propitious and gratuitous is His love; His mercy is spontaneous and
ubiquitous; He is all-powerful, all knowing and eternally undeluded.
Whatever is ordained for you is brought about by His all-benign disinterested will; hence His will alone is ever and eternally propitious for you.
Whatever is ordained for you is brought about by His all-benign disinterested will; hence His will alone is ever and eternally propitious for you.
are neither omniscient nor far-sighted, nor do you know in reality and
unmistakably where your good lies and how to achieve it. Therefore it is not
certain that whatever you contemplate with regard to yourself, whatever you
determine as conducive to your welfare is precisely such. You are liable to
error. It is possible that, mistaking through your short-sighted vision
vitiated by partiality and prejudiced the evil for what is good, the
unpropitious for the propitious, the unsalutary and the false for what is true
and seeking it, you harm yourself by yourself or start doing so.
are liable to error but not so the Lord; you can erroneously contemplate or do
harm to yourself; God can never contemplate or do harm to you. Even if you
regard something as conducive to your interests you may not be able to achieve
it, your capacity being limited. The Lord, however, who is endowed with
unlimited power, can easily accomplish anything and everything. You will
change; the all-benign will of the Lord, however, is eternal. Therefore, the
proper course for you is to throw yourself at the mercy of the Lord, who is
your greatest well wisher, entirely, in every way, in all affairs, and rid
yourself of all worry.
instead of throwing yourself at the mercy of the Lord, you desire the Lord to
work as a tool of your independent will, this proves that you have no faith in
the omniscience, benevolence and benignity of the Lord; and by exercising your
own independent will you tamper with the most benign result which awaited you
under the all-propitious dispensation of the Lord, and harm yourself by
putting faith in the gratuitous grace, love, goodwill and omniscience of the
Lord, you set aside your own independent will and throw yourself at the mercy
of the Lord, you automatically work your own salvation. Therefore, always wish
that the result awaiting you under the dispensation of the Lord is bound to be
supremely benign to you.
comes to you gratuitously or through the will of another comes to you under the
benign dispensation of the Lord. Never wish otherwise, never feel dissatisfied
with it. Rather welcome it as a gracious boon from the Lord, if it is necessary
to seek anything from Him, you should only address the following prayer, expresses
the following wish: - “My benign Lord, let Your will be done. Let my will never
cross Your will; and if it ever crosses Your will, never accomplish it.”
in a spirit of service to the Lord according to the best light received from
Him at a particular moment and leave the result exclusively to His will.
Thereby you will not only derive peace and joy but you will also be blessed
with love for the Lord through His grace. Your life will be fulfilled.