How to be spiritual, Undaunted March Ahead, Konark temple Images

Undaunted march ahead

Konark temple main entrance
Konark temple main entrance
The joy of God-realization is far greater than the greatest than the greatest enjoyments of the world and has no parallel. Never let your endeavour for God-Realization be interrupted in the least for the sake of any worldly enjoyment. Do not let the Discipline followed by you for God-realization does not get slack on any account whatsoever, nor should you mind what others say or do. The course of discipline followed by you should be genuine and free from blemish.

He who abandons his faultless discipline or noble pursuit through fear, misgiving opposition from the people and other causes goes down in the scale of spiritual evolution. Your pursuit should be innocent and of the right type in the eyes of God—in the eyes of your own self (Atma). Then you should not feel worried, whatever others may say, and should steadily and unflinchingly remain engaged in that noble pursuit with reverence and faith.

American Light house
American Light house
Obstacles may come in the way of your Sadhna, and you may be faced with unfavourable circumstances of a formidable type and terrible calamities; but do not get unnerved by them. Pinning your faith in God with a guileless mind persevere in your Sadhna and pray to God that He may remove all the obstacles by His grace. God will surely do so. He has proclaimed in the Gita that His grace enables those who devote their mind to Him to surmount all obstacles and difficulties and head towards their goal.

The goodwill of the world, popular esteem, respect and applause too sometimes prove very great obstacles in our Sadhana. They divert our mind from real spiritual Sadhana and lead us to engage in an endeavour to exalt and adore our name and personality. The aspirant then takes to the pursuit of pleasing the world instead of God and takes to the pursuit of pleasing the world instead of God and devotes himself to forbidden practices favoured by the world and meets with a fall. Similarly bodily comforts, sense-enjoyments too, made available by those possessed of reverence, constitute a great impediment in one’s Sadhana. Inclination for the gratification of senses brings one’s spiritual Sadhana to an end very soon. Therefore don’t be afraid of suffering, adversity, unfavourable circumstances and censure nor fall into the snare of honour, prestige, adoration, luxury and so on. Guarding against both these types of impediments remains constantly engaged with supreme devotion in an innocent spiritual discipline.

There should be no ostentation in your Sadhana. Outward show of Sadhana is a sheet humburg. Remain inwardly devoted to spiritual discipline. Purging your heart of lust, anger, greed, violence, animosity, hypocrisy, arrogance and all other impurities, keep it ever immaculate and pure. If people, judging you from your outward appearance, do not call you a sadhaka, it will be supreme gain to you, your wealth of spiritual discipline will grow from more to more. If, on the other hand, people outside speak ill of you, account yourself particularly lucky and a favourite of the Lord; for in that case your purity will be enhanced, your immaculacy will grow and your attachment to the world will be abraded. Your mind will not fall a prey to any allurement.

Konark temple wallpapers
Konark temple wallpapers
Your Sadhana will always be attended with reverence and faith, vigilance, assiduity and activity. Irreverence, carelessness, sloth and indolence make once delinquent. Remain constantly devoted to your Sadhana with zeal, faith and joy.

Never get bored in your Sadhana, never get impatient; prosecute it with patience. Only go on pursuing it. Believe it, you will undoubtedly succeed. If some delay is taking place, it is only because you are being rendered fit, by being purged of all dross, to meet the most beloved Lord without any let or hindrance—because you are being adomed for meeting the Beloved

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