or inanimate all is God
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The entire universe
consisting of animate and inanimate being is a manifestation of one and the
same God. The selfsame God stands revealed in the form of all these beings and
the same Spirit ever indwells them all. Even as the same organism consists of a
number of limbs and organs having diverse names and functions, although the
spirit indwelling them is the same, nay, the pleasure and pain caused to those
limbs and organs—the eternal parts identical in essence with the whole—of the
same Cosmic Being or God. Realizing this, gratify all, do well to all and let
all remain happily engaged in their respective functions.
When you come to treat all
as your own self—to identify yourself with all, your ego-sense and the sense of
possession (the feeling fo ‘I’ and ‘mine’) will not remain cramped and cabined.
Consequently you will as a matter of course be rid of body-consciousness. For
the sake of this limited ‘I’ and ‘mine’ you will no longer wish harm to others
nor seek to persecute them taking them to be other than you. On the other hand,
recognizing their good and happiness to be your own good and happiness, you
will contemplate only that which is conducive to the good and happiness of all
and also do the same. A narrow desire will no longer exist in you nor will
there linger in you attachment for any object, much less fear of your desire
ever appear in you. “Completely rid of attachment, fear and anger” you will get
merged in the Divine essence. In fact, he alone who has been “Completely rid of
attachment, fear and anger” is ‘stable of mind’ and he alone who is “entirely
free from desire, fear and anger” is ever ‘liberated’.
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Attachment, desire, fear and
anger appear only when you keep yourself confined within the narrow limit of ‘I’
and ‘mine’. It is then only that, considering yourself as part from all,
cabining your ‘self’ within a small compass and confining your “self interest”
within narrow limits, you begin to regard all others as alien, as other than
yourself. Then your self-identification with finite objects such as a
particular body, country, community, class, creed region, language, honour and
prestige, comforts and amenities gradually confines you to narrower and still
narrower limits and fills you with fear. Imaging, for the preservation of the
aforesaid objects and circumstances, with which you stand identified, that
others will put an end to them, you begin to look upon all with suspicion and
feel apprehensive with regard to them; nay, reduced to similar circumstances, others
too in their turn begin to look on you with suspicion and feel apprehensive
with regard to you; nay, the outlook on both sides being changed, mutual faults
begin to come to view and jealously, hatred, disgust and animosity grow.
Manifesting themselves in the form of violence, these latter incite one to such
undesirable misdeeds as lead to the huge destruction not only of yourselves and
your adversities but even of numberless innocent creatures unknown to you. This
not only hampers the success of your human life, but you have also to depart
from this world suffering disquietude, affliction and agony caused by want
throughout your life and burning in the fire of terrible anxiety till your last
breath; and after death you are cast into demoniac species full of suffering
and affliction or consigned to hells subjecting one to horrible tortures.
No living being can escape
the consequences of his or her doings. Therefore, perceiving the same Lord or
the same Spirit in all, do good to all, gratify all, treat all with honour,
bestow love in all, rid everyone of fear from your side. Let no one be
subjected to ignominy at your hands or oppressed by you; let no one have fear
from you, let no one feel perturbed on account of you and let no one be harmed
in anyway by you; let no one be harmed in anyway by you. Keep your thoughts,
dealings, and actions full of humility, sweetness, love, truth and benevolence.
You will be blessed, others will be blessed, the universe will be blessed; for
it is in this way that the Lord, who is the Soul of the universe, will be truly
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