Service to God, fruitful life

Service to God (A fruitful life)
The body of frail and perishable. That which is born will surely die; and that which has come to be will definitely be dissolved. But if one meets with death in the service of God, his death has yielded fruit. If, on the other hand, one dies a victim of sense-enjoyments, his life has ended in failure. His life alone is fruitful, who dedicates it to the service of God.

He whose body meets its end after remaining employed in doing good to others, relieving the distress of the poor, removing the afflictions of the afflicted, serving others, discharging its duties in a selfless spirit, serving the parents and elders in a selfless spirit, serving the parents and other elders, vindicating virtue, protecting the pious, strongly defending and promoting the growth of one’s country, serving humanity at large and the entire living creation, wagging a righteous war, pursuing noble sentiments like self abnegation, forgiveness , compassion, modesty, non- violence and love, worshiping Gods, adoring and contemplating on God and practicing blissful devotion to God, reaches a happy state after death and highest goal in the shape of realization if he does all these in a disinterested spirit. Those men alone whose life is thus dedicated to the service of God are human beings in the true sense of the term. They alone are God like man and they alone do real good to the world by ideal existence.

He whose body meets its end after remaining employed in harming others, oppressing the poor, aggravating the miseries of others, selfishly robbing others of their wealth, carnally gratifying their senses, insulting the elders, subverting religion, tormenting holy men, doing harm to the country and exposing it to foreign invasion, jeopardizing the interests of mankind and other living beings, wagging unrighteous and selfish war, indulging in evil practices under the sway of ignoble sentiments like concupiscence, anger, greed, arrogance, cruelty, violence, ill-will, animosity etc., worshiping demons – men swayed by demoniacal sentiments, indulging in devilish sense –enjoyments, revolving in one’s mind on – indulging in sense-enjoyments and devoutly pursuing the baneful enjoyments of the senses – enjoyments which bring misery in their wake, is consumed by the fire of worry, sorrow, despair, sin and anguish of body and mind during his lifetime and meets after death with an evil destiny, is consigned to demoniacal wombs and hurled into frightful hells etc. Men whose life is thus frittered away in unholy pursuits are beasts, fiends or ogres in human garb. They alone are demoniac man and the world suffers much by their birth and existence. They not only die the death of dog; dog or ass but carry with them the seed of a rich harvest of suffering. This constitutes the greats failure of a human life.

Real manhood of a man commences when the river of life takes turn towards God – when he begins to practice virtue imbued with self-abnegation and asceticism in a spirit of service to God. That alone which is ultimately conducive to the supreme food not only of one’s own but also of others is virtue. The human body has been vouchsafed only for practicing such virtue.

The right of man is to act only. The human body is not only the medium of reaping the consequences of one’s pat deeds but also the medium of action. Through his actions he can carve for himself a future full of extreme anguish and realize God – the self, which is the highest goal of life, by taking to the right types of discipline.

He alone who, having grasped this principle turns to account his right to act is wise. Therefore, completely abandon sins—evil deeds, pursue virtues—pious deeds and that too with the sacred motive of worshiping God—serving and pleasing him. If you act in this way, your life will have completely achieved its end.

  • Service to God
  • fruitful life

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