Manifestation of God
He who sees God alone
projected everywhere at all times and views every smallest and biggest event
taking place in the world as a sportive gestures or manifestation of God is
never swayed by the pairs of opposites in the world. The joys and sorrows,
gains and losses, triumphs and discomfitures, honour and ignominy, the
agreeable and the disagreeable, good and evil, praise and reproach etc., do not
react favourably or unfavourably on him, nor does he feel attracted or repelled
by them senses the presence of God alone everywhere at all times.
God is one, infinite, great.
He is projected everywhere at all times. All these (appearances) are His
manifestations alone; in fact He and alone exist everywhere at all times. No
entity other than Him has any existence. This knowledge alone is real knowledge
and he who comes to know this is established firmly in this supreme truth; he
ever remains free from delusion, fear and gloom.
God alone, who is ever
tranquil, equable, everlasting and real, stands manifested in the form of this
changeable, transient and unreal world of great turmoil. Even extremely quit ocean,
all this is identical with God. To rise and get dissolved is the very nature of
waves; this neither interfaces with the calmness of the ocean nor does it
affect its nature in any way. In the same way the changeable universe appearing
in God does not effect in any way the existence, consciousness, blissful
nature, equability and unity of God. Knowledge of the true nature of God
consists in realizing this truth alone.
He who comes to know this
nature of God himself becomes one with God; for in that state no entity other
than God can even be conceived of.
Even though all sorts of
actions appear to take place during the period of activity of a man who has
thus come to know the truth about God and is established in God, the remains
ever free from the joy and perturbation. All sorts of actions appear to take
place through his agency in the practical world or the existence of passion and
the sense of mine. The actions that appear to take place through his agency are
also free from passion and the sense of mine. Like the performances of an actor
in a drama all sorts of sentiments find expression in him when the time for it
comes; but all that is his pastime, a mere sport; and that pastime, the entire
play is an expression of that player—that sporting actor. Really speaking, the
player himself comes to be play. The spectator gets afraid, taken aback,
delighted, agitated, quietened and disquietened to see his acting; but he
remains ever established in his self, unaffected, similarly that knower of the
truth about God, who is established. Similarly that knower of the truth about
God, who is established in his self and tranquil.
If a knower of God moves in
the practical world of activity, various activities are seen taking place
through his agency. All those activities are, however, naturally conducive to
universal good, the welfare of all. No harm ever comes to anyone through him
any more than anyone dies through nectar.
The existence in the
practical world of such an exalted soul is conducive to the supreme welfare of
the world—of all living beings in the world; playing the role of a guide to
all, he helps all in realizing the true nature of God Being liberated himself,
he becomes instrumental in liberating many others.
- Manifestation of God in Real honour