Adversity an indication of God Supreme Benevolence

Adversity an indication of God's supreme benevolence

The Lord is one; the entire cosmos exists in Him alone. He is the disinterested friend of every living being. He desires that we should meet Him, that we should win His love; but we are so unfortunate that we are not keen to meet Him even though He would have us meet Him.
He is keen to meet us even though we are reluctant to meet Him, and He desires to meet us when we are alone. Now he appears in the form of ignominy, with the result that the whole hubbub of applause dies away. Now He appears in the form of penury with the result that the multitudes of selfish men hovering about withdraw. At other times He comes in votaries of success disperses. Again He appears in the form of terrible pain with the result that no consciousness other than that of the pain remains. Coming thus in the shape of diverse repulsive forms He strips you of all other company and then meets you when you are all alone.

In whatever form the Lord comes to you, when He does not allow anyone else to stay by your side, naturally He meets you when you are all by yourself. If you happen to recognize Him in that solitary union of yours with Him you will have achieved the purpose of your life. You will have anything more to do and nothing more to achieve. But so long as you fail to recognize Him you’re wondering and burning will not cease.

It is very difficult to recognize Him in the crowd of congeniality. At that time there is such a hubbub all round you that you lose yourself in it. In order to disclose His identity to you after ridding you of this hubbub the supremely benevolent Lord appears in the form of diverse adverse circumstances. Crowd and hubbub disappear in adversity. Identification gets expedited. All these adverse circumstances are really an indication gets expedited. All these adverse circumstances are really an indication of His supreme benevolence.

When there is terrible headache or stomach-ache no consciousness other than that of the aforesaid pain persists, in the form of that pain the Lord alone remains and recognizing Him in this way in every terrible adversity you can easily enjoy the bliss of solitary union. He alone comes in adversity and comes to give you the joy of solitary union. He alone comes in adversity and comes to give you the joy of solitary union.

The moment you recognize the most beloved Lord the whole sting of adversity will disappear and you will directly perceive that the Lord has by His infinite and unaccountable grace assumed the form of adversity and that He has come to bless you by allowing you to enjoy the transcendent experience of solitary union with Him. Recognize Him, hail Him and become blessed by getting united with Him.
  • Adversity an indication of God Supreme Benevolence
 Tagged : Adversity an indication of God Supreme Benevolence, Lord is one, the entire cosmos exists in Him alone God is the disinterested friend of every living being

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