Why fear death, what is Death

Why fear death ?

Even as a living body passes through the stages  of boyhood, youth and old age, death too in realty is no more than a phase of the body. It is the parting of this body and the soul which is known by the name of death. Really speaking death is no bugbear, it is a mere change of body. Even as a man puts on a new garment, changing the old, the jivatma (the soul seated in Prakrti) seeks another body casting off the former. In fact the soul remains unchanged in substance.

You are afraid of death simply because you regard the physical body as your own self. The body is material; it is brought into being in the mother’s womb. And that whichever comes to be will surely perish. Like its creation its dissolution too is quite natural and normal. Your real self, however, who is spiritual in essence, is eternal; it is free from boyhood, youth, old age, disease death and so on. Hence you no cause for fear of death. Such fear is sheer ignorance.

This death of the body too takes place only so long as the soul remains seated in and falsely identified with the mutable and transient evolutes of Prakrti and continues to recognize them as its own self. The moment it flashes on the soul, the moment he comes to know that all these changes are nothing but transformations of Prakrti, that he is only their witness ever unaffected by them, you will be freed from the shackles of birth and death—shackles which do not exist in reality but are fancied.

This prakrti (matter) and its evolutes too do not really exist in the form you perceive them. They are all Maya (illusion) or a mere sport of the Lord. Taking the form of the play, the playthings and the player He Himself is carrying on this play. Birth too is a form of the Lord assumed for sport and so too is death. He alone appears in the form of death. If, knowing this fact and recognizing the most beloved Lord arrived in the form of death, you embrace Him, all the horror of death will be transmuted into supreme bliss. Meeting the Lord you will become highly blessed and eternally happy. Therefore do not fear death, see God concealed behind it. You will have Him the moment you see Him. So long as you gaze on outward charm He remains concealed from your view, though open to view. once you recognize Him He is ever visible, He alone exists-everywhere, at all times, in all forms, in all circumstances and in all names and forms

The fulfilment of human life too lies in this alone. Human life has been vouchsafed to us for this very purpose that in this the soul may be freed from the false bondage of matter, that, realizing its true nature, it may rise from Jivahood to the state of eternal Spirit. The eternal Self, it ever is; it is the role of a Jiva assumed by it that is withholding from it the realization of its true self. It is for this reason that, though ever existing in its own self.

He alone is out of sorts, who are Prakrtistha-established in Prakrti; while he alone is healthy who is established in the self. The criterion of health is to see God, to discover God alone even in spite of diversity in dealings on established in the Self is the goal of human existence and true sadhana or spiritual discipline consists in thoughts and actions leading the goal alone.
  • what is Death 
  • what is Death

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