Supreme Goal Of human Achievement


It is rewarding of great religious merit and by the unique grace of God that this human body has been obtained by you. This human body is like a comely and cosy bark to take you across the ocean of sorrow in the shape of mundane existence. Therefore, let this ocean of worldly existence be crossed before this bark dashes against some rock and meets with wreck, or, in other words, so long as this body is intact and not overtaken by death..

The mundane existence consisting of birth and death is absolutely transient, full of shortcomings and hence the very ocean of misery. Even as high as well as low waves rise and disappear in the sea, so higher and lower form of life appears and disappears in this world. Of all these forms the human is the only form tenanting which the soul can through spiritual endeavour cross the fearful ocean of misery in the shape of births and deaths. This human body, however, is most fragile. Just as a drop of water lying on a lotus petal roll down at the touch of a slight breeze, so does this fall in a trice. Hence success in one’s spiritual endeavours should be achieved even before you drop this body.

You are not the body, you are the soul. The soul is an eternal reality free from birth and death. It has neither origin nor end, neither joy nor sorrow. Birth and death, joy and sorrow have been ascribed to it due to its identification with Matter, it’s being tied down to a causal, astral and physical body.

The physical sheath, which is made up of the five elements, is inert. The consciousness appearing in it is traceable to the astral body which indwells and animates it. In fact the astral body too – consisting as it does of seventeen or nineteen components (the five vital airs, the five senses perception, the five organs of action, the mind and the intellect or the mind, understanding, intellect and ego)—inert by nature; borrowing light from the conscious Self it gets animated and animates the physical body in its turn.

Ignorance consists in forgetting one’s spiritual nature or falling down from one’s sublime character as being a ray of God. It is the ignorance which constitutes the causal body. Even though the soul does not undergo birth and death nor it experience joy and sorrow, its ignorantly misconceives itself as subject to birth and death and as the experience of joys and sorrows. This constitutes its Jiva-hood. And as long as it continues to account itself a Jiva the cycle of birth and death or the stream of worldly existence will know no remission.

Having descended to the plane of jivahood, by ignorantly ascribing the properties of the body to itself, the soul regards the birth and death of the physical body as its own, the agonies of birth as its agonies, the pangs of death as its pangs, the inanity experienced by the vital air as its hunger, considers itself impure from bodily impurity and looks upon bodily damage as its own damage and devise ways and means of avoiding or removing them. Though absolutely unattached, it undergoes suffering by subjecting itself to attachment and aversion and though blissful by nature, suffers from bodily suffering, ignorance consists in that alone and it is due to this ignorance that the ocean of mundane existence continues.

What you have to accomplish in this life is to get rid of this ignorance—to cross the ocean of mundane existence. It is to accomplish this purpose that you have been endowed with the human body. Therefore, turning your mind from worldly property – gain and loss, you should purify your mind, realize your true nature through worship of God and, getting established in your own spiritual being, cross this unsubstantial yet terrible ocean of worldly existence. You are neither the world nor the body. You are not the mind, the intellect or the senses, nor do they belong to you. All these are other than you; for they are all objective, while you are the perceiver of them all. As a matter of fact there is no entity other than God or the self. Realizing this truth, be accomplished of your purpose. Take it for certain that you are not material and transient body; you are the Spirit consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.

The human body has been vouchsafed to us through the gratuitous grace of the God. Even gods and demons possessed of the highest authority and wealth and commanding the greatest power and might long for the human body is the supreme ladder to God- realization, the sole objective of embodied existence. God –realization is the supreme object of human pursuit and the human body has been bestowed on a Jiva journeying from time without beginning, with a passport for the attainment of his supreme end of human endeavour. Says Goswami Tulsidas—rarely does God, who loves the Jiva without any self-interest, graciously bestow on it a human form”

Remember to make the most of the human body is to direct all the thoughts of the mind and the activities of the body to the sole end of God-Realization. One should no longer have any attachment for one’s pursuits nor for their fruit. Let God alone and not enjoyment is the goal of one’s life and for the realization of this realization of this end let one lead a peaceful life embracing divine virtues and reposing one’s faith in the benign dispensation of the Lord and therefore feeling happy under all circumstances; and let God-Realization be achieved  in the end.

Men who keep their body employed in the satisfaction of lust, anger and greed, gratifying their pride arrogance and egotism, jealousy, animosity and bloodthirstiness with a view securing transient delights and enjoying them undergo lifelong suffering. Such is the terrible consequence of perverting the human body.

The Lord permeates whatever living beings there are in the world; they are all the diverse endless manifestations of the Lord. Therefore, perceiving the Lord in all and harming none in the least and contemplating the good of all, continue to make headway on the path leading to God-Realization; but remain constantly alive to the fact that they are mere co-travelers. The relationship you bear with them here is not real. Therefore deal with them innocently with an eye to their good—serve them to the best of your ability. Neither conceive an attachment for anyone anywhere nor hate anyone. Cherish a true spirit of service to God. Then every action of yours will turn  into an act of worship to the Lord and your life will be crowned with success.

The fruitfulness of human life does not lie in the acquisition of dominant authority, extensive fortune and affluence, boundless renown and fame and the highest worldly success. If all these circumstances and objects turn our face from God it is far better to turn our back on them or put an end to them as one would do in the case of a deadly poison agreeable to the taste or an enemy bent on treacherously taking our lives by posing as a friend. The true success of human life lies in every moment of it being dedicated to the service of God and every breadth of it remains steeped in the remembrance of God.

Those living beings, objects and circumstances alone are really conducive to your good, from which you derive encouragement, energy, help, co-operation and light in striving for God-Realization; they alone should be had recourse to and accumulated according to your needs. This is what goes by the name of satsanga or association with the good. All the rest is kusanga (association with the evil ), which is worth giving up in toto, being harmful in every respect. Therefore keep your life scrupulously devoted to God and God alone. Really speaking, in this alone lies humanity. Here alone lies true development.     

  • Supreme Goal Of human Achievement 
  • God Brahma Vishnu

Tagged : your supreme goal, achievement, acquirement, goals, god grace, god attention, supreme Powers, supreme nature, shooping, god Brahma, vivekananda books, vivekananda scripts, god related books, old scriptures, Supreme Goal Of human Achievement God Brahma Vishnu, Supreme Goal Of human Achievement God Brahma Vishnu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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