Supreme consumption of Human living

Supreme consumption of Human living

Body, mind and riches, power and strength, reason and critical acumen, position and authority—whatever has been vouchsafed to you has been granted for service to the Lord. This constitute their best use. Use everything with scruples care to the best advantage. Here lies your own welfare and the utility of those objects. It you do not observe scrupulousness in the matter your possessions will be misused; you do not devote your body to noble to noble pursuits, it will take to evil one; if you do not harbour good thoughts in the wind it will take delight in evil thought; if you do not devote your wealth to the service of the needy and the poor, it will be spent in luxury.

If a thing is not put to the best use, it is either misused, which leads to newer and newer evils, thereby setting a new stage every time for sorrows and sufferings, or the thing perishes.

The most precious of all substances are time and the mind. Scrupulously keep both of these constantly engaged in the Lord’s service, in spiritual endeavour, in elevating pursuits. Neither waste your time nor give yourself up to error. Time is wasted through indolence and procrastination and you and you give yourself up to error by spending it in pursuits which are not worth undertaking and by neglecting your duties. Similarly the energy of the mind is neglecting your duties. Similarly the energy of the mind is wasted by thinking of the world rather than the Lord or of good things or acts; and you give yourself up to error by indulging in sinful or evil thoughts. Keep every moment of indulging in sinful or evil thoughts. Keep every moment of indulging in sinful or evil thoughts. Keep every moment of your time employed in noble pursuits by way of service to the Lord; and weaning your mind from idle and evil thoughts. Keep it constantly engaged on pious thoughts and in the thought of the Lord. This is to make the best use of your time and mind.

A substance which has been put to the best use by being employed in the Lord’s service has become yours. The wealth which has spent in service has become yours; the part of your time that has been spent in thought of the Lord has become yours; whatever good works has been done with your body has been credited to your account. Otherwise all these substances are sure to perish. They cannot be preserved by being sparingly used and attended to with care; they are decaying every moment and will at long last altogether perish. They will have achieved their purpose in proportion as they are devoted to some useful purpose.

Every moment of human life is priceless; for when devoted to his remembrance and service it serves as a means to God-realization. Every moment that has elapsed does not return; therefore keep every moment of your time employed in the Lord’s service. Let there be not the moment’s respite in his remembrance and service. Let his remembrance and service continue uninterruptedly like respiration. Wherever you go, and whatever the innocent external innocence form of your occupation, let God-remembrance never slip out of your mind and let the conviction that you are serving the omnipresent Lord through every action of yours continue its hold upon your mind. If you are able to do so, you will able to continue to behold the lord everywhere at all times and will remain occupied with His worship all the day long. This will constitute the best use of your life.

Your face will considered to have turned towards God completely and irretrievably only when your mind and reason get dedicated to God and remain constantly and exclusively devoted to Him. But so long this does not happen, unremittingly continue to link your mind and reason with God. Go on contemplating and dwelling on the names, virtues and form of the Lord and investigating His truth. Abiding and real absence of attachment to sense-enjoyments and consummate and genuine attachment to the Lord constitute the main discipline.

  • Supreme consumption of Human living

Tagged : human life, body, guru, guru vani, Supreme consumption of Human living, power of yoga, power of god, god articlem, about yoga, man living, human being consumption, supreme god, god is one, Supreme consumption of Man living God Meditation yoga 

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