Miseries and Joys as Aids to Bliss

Miseries and Joys as Aids to Bliss

A favourable or unfavourable circumstance is a conception of your own mind. The same circumstance appears favourable to one and unfavourable to another. Even to you a certain circumstance may appear favourable at one time and unfavourable at another. The likes and dislikes of your own mind are responsible for presenting a situation as favourable or otherwise.
Apart from the fact that a situation is coloured by your imagination, whatever situation comes before you does so for your own good. For your part you should neither covet a favourable situation nor fear an unfavourable one. Turn to account whatever situation comes before you. Using it to a best advantage by thought and action, make it helpful to your spiritual discipline.
Want or loss of things you seek in the world and continuance of or influx of things you like is regarded as a favourable situation. Really speaking, both are fanciful conceptions built on the bedrock of your own desire. Your wisdom, nevertheless, lies in exploiting both for your own real purpose.

Infliction of what you do not want goes by the name of misery in your vocabulary and acquisition of what you hanker after is termed as happiness. You know and believe that misery or misfortune is the outcome of sin and happiness is the reward of virtue. Therefore, whenever you are visited by affliction, conclude that your sins are being liquidated through suffering—you are being purged; hence, being the resolver of your sins, misery is a blessing in disguise. To conclude thus is to exploit a painful situations.

Tagged : Aids to Bliss, Miseries and Joys, A favourable or unfavourable circumstance is a conception of your own mind. The same circumstance appears favourable

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