Realize your true self and make human life fruitful

Realize your true self and make human life fruitful

You are in no way better than a goat engaged in feeding on green grass and mating with a she-goat and shortly going to fall  a victim to the butcher’s knife. Employed as you are at the present moment in various activities like eating and drinking, enjoyment and merrymaking, looking after your children, maintaining your family and attending to the interests of your kith and kin, preserving and promoting your wealth and domination, elevating your position and authority, securing your advancement and exaltation, development and publicity, you are not finding time to examine your own self even for a moment. But know it for certain that without giving any notice to you and paying not the less consideration to your most urgent and momentous activity Death will overtake you all of a sudden and put a dead stop all your activities.

The goat in butcher’s shambles is an animal. It does not understand that only a few moments back another goat, young and robust like it, has yielded to the butcher’s sharp-edged knife and that it is going to meet the same fate. While the goat is an ignorant brute, you are a human being.  You at any rate ought to know that a relation of your own has just to meet the same fate and then all your relationships with all that is spoken of or recognized as yourself or your own will be dissolved.

A wise man is he knows that along with his birth his death has to come into being and that he is continuing to die every moment, that the final touch of death will surely put an end to him, so that he has to get ready for his next birth or take effective steps to secure riddance from the cycle of birth and death for all time to come.

Your present birth is the only chapter of the book of long and dateless life. Your body is but a bead of the rosary of deaths. It is not self. Your real self is eternally distinct from it. This material body alone, not the conscious spirit, an eternal spark of the supreme spirit, who is all truth, Consciousness and Bliss. It is because you have forgotten your essential nature as a spark of God or as a spiritual being that you have identified yourself with a body which is subject to birth and death and have got involved in the inevitable yet the false cycle of birth and death.

A human body is vouchsafed to you only in order that you may recognize that real spiritual self of yours—attain your eternal and true life, which constitutes your very nature. You are however, so steeped in self-oblivion—so identified with and rooted in the objective Nature—that do it even the question of knowing and recognizing yourself never arises in your mind. You never pause to inquire as to who you are, where you have come from, in what relation you stand with the body and name, what connection there exists and how between you and living beings and objects which you call your own and to which you are attached and the place to which you are destined to go after leaving the body and so on. How great is your infatuation! Under the spell of this very infatuation you are employing all your reason and critical acumen—which distinguish a human being from the brute – not only in attaining to the level of beasts but in developing the tendency to get transformed into a fiend and ogre, and consider the object of your life accomplished thereby.

This deplorable state of yours is forging for your destiny which is terribly gloomy, bristling with endless infernal tortures, full of suffering and disquietude, and consisting of a series of deaths. Therefore wake up betimes. Employ your judgement in working your true evolution rather than in bringing about your ruin. Realize your true self, which is a spark of God, spiritual in essence, and make your human life fruitful.

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