Intrinsic beauty of unalloyed love

The intrinsic beauty of unalloyed love

Where there is a longing to get something in return or as a reward, immaculate love is wanting. That is why a worldly man seeking enjoyment or liberation cannot develop unalloyed love being directed towards anyone other than the most beloved Lord.

The relationship one has with another in the world, no matter whether it is of an individual or collective nature, is invariably governed by the principle of give and take, even though this may not be manifest, so much so that in the heart of even though this may not be manifest, so much so that to others in a disinterested spirit lurks the feeling that through such service before the world. Nay, if we dive very deep into their hearts a seeking to honour and worship or reputation and applause will be found lurking in them.

Even those who perform selfless acts like worship of the Gods and service of the people seek at least the purification of their mind through such acts. Nay, even in those who strive for Liberation alone and claim to be completely free from all desire cherish the longing to bring about the cessation of their worldly sufferings or to escape from the cycle of metempsychosis. That is why the craving for something else persists in some form or another so long as one something else persists in some form or other so long as one does not come to recognize the Lord as the supreme object of love and the pleasure of the supremely beloved Lord does not become the sole purpose of one’s life. So long as one seeks something else—so long as the craving for enjoyment and liberation persists in any form whatsoever immaculate love is not there. Till then what goes by the name of love is nothing more than a sort of business transaction, no matter whether it fetches a small gain in the shape of the termination of an earthly calamity or acquisition of a worldly object or a big gain in the shape cessation of suffering in the form of birth and death or the attainment of Liberation as a consummation of one’s spiritual endeavor.

Subservient to the will of His loving devotee, the supremely beloved Lord enjoys the sweetness of the love in himself the devotee continues to glorify the disposition of his supremely beloved Lord, nay, spurning enjoyment, liberation and all and standing as a living embodiment of the happiness of his most beloved Lord, goes on advancing more and more towards the infinitude of unalloyed love. Such is the relation between a devotee endowed with unalloyed love with his supremely beloved Lord. Such relation exists for supremely beloved Lord and a devotee full of unalloyed love (a love which is free from the least tinge of craving for enjoyment and liberation).

Such a devotee endowed with such unalloyed love is really supreme speaking as well as emancipated and actually attains supreme peace. Nay, Liberation and peace as a matter of course remain engaged in his service in order to make themselves blessed. Hence there is no bondage of any kind themselves blessed. Hence there is no bondage of any kind for him nor can any situation whatsoever interface in the least with his tranquillity. Of course there is one bondage for him and that is the bondage of unalloyed love by which the Lord Himself bound to him and from this bondage he never seeks liberation. Here lies its intrinsic beauty.

  • Intrinsic beauty of unalloyed love.

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