Glorying in your opulence before the destitute is a crime

Glorying in your opulence before the destitute is a crime

Your body and riches, learning and intellect, power and strength, position and authority and everything else belongs to God, you owe them to Him and all exist for His service alone. The usefulness of all lies in their being utilized in His service, and the fulfilment of your life too lies in this.

Wherever a thing possessed by you is needed by another, know that the real owner of the thing, viz., God Himself seeks it from you. Therefore respectfully surrender to Him with great humility the object belonging to Him and deem it your good fortune to have done so.

Never regard anything as your belonging to you nor pride yourself on it. Take to yourself that much which is barely necessary for you as a boon from God and continue to devote all the rest to His service alone.

The Lord resides in all at all times and every moment, rather than the Lord Himself stands manifested in the endless heterogeneous forms of all. Realizing this honour all, love all, respectfully do good to all. Do not seek the destitute with an air of kind-heartedness, but as a destitute only and, experiencing their misery as your own, try to rid them of it.

Compassion is only another name for the mellowness of heart occasioned by a feeling of inborn sympathy at the sight of another’s suffering and a selfless inclination to relieve it. Compassion makes no distinction between one’s own and another. Compassion precludes pride. Compassion makes on rejoice in service and self-abnegation, brings humility in its train and does not allow a feeling of inferiority to appear in the heart of the individual to whom service has been rendered by you, rather it makes him or her realize the mercy of God. Such compassion – the softest propensity of the heart to treat the suffering of another as one’s own, accompanied by a natural endeavour with one’s body, mind and money to relieve it—is a most welcome trait. Cherish it by all means; but never glory in your kind—heartedness, never consider yourself superior.

To assume an air of opulence before the destitute is a crime. Live in the midst of the destitute as a destitute only. Lifting them up as much as you can, raise your standard of living too to their level. All the same never advertise your opulence nor insult another while glorying in your possessions. Exalt yourself only through humility—through meekness—by serving all the best of your ability.

To deal roughly and harshly with a destitute by using haughty words in his presence is an offence against God it is the Lord Himself who stands manifested in the form of that destitute. Therefore behaving meekly speak sweet words to all, release a stream of cool and sweet nectar everywhere by your polite and mellifluous speech; pouring nectar in hearts burning with the venom of suffering make them venomless, cool, tranquil and sweet. And do all this for the sake of service to the Lord and recognizing everything as being done through His energy and inspiration and every material as His possession. The Lord will feel highly pleased by your unassuming and selfless service and His pleasure will crown your life with the greatest success.

  • Glorying in your opulence before the destitute is a crime

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