Realize the indubitable fact which ends your miseries

 Realize the indubitable fact which ends your miseries

Bondage consists in recognizing the living beings and possessions of the worlds as one’s own, and complete absence of such a feeling of ownness is Liberation. Absence of ownness means non-recognition at any times of any object, circumstance or living being whatsoever of the world as one’s own. He alone who has nothing to call his own, who is absolutely without any possession is free from the ties of ownness and is emancipated.

The Lord Himself regards as His own the individual rid of the sense of meum with regard to worldly objects and living beings. He is extremely dear to the Lord. That God-lover alone worships Him as a matter of course. Those who regard pedigree, power, learning, family ties, wealth, talent and creed etc., as their own only foster their identification with the body and name through their medium. They cannot take to worship of God exclusively.

Those destitute persons alone are able to worship God in that real sense of the word, who no longer retain the faintest trace of ownness with regard to any living being object or circumstance; for God constitutes the exclusive possession of those alone who have nothing to call their own and is attained by them only. It is therefore that He has been spoken of as perceptible by the destitute.

The sense of possession is the root of miseries. You do not feel the least sorry for the loss or death of an object or living being that you do not consider as your own, however valuable or dear it may be in the eyes of another. In the case of an object or living being, on the other hand, that you regard as your own, the least injury to it, nay, and the very possibility of its destruction makes you miserable. And it is an indubitable fact that no worldly object or living being belongs to you. You have falsely assumed things to be your own. When you die, no object or living being which you call your own will remain in your possession. The tie of ownness with all will be forcibly broken. But you will feel extremely miserable when these ties are broken.

If, however, you get rid of attachment by breaking the ties of affinity with all objects and living beings in advance, all possibility of unhappiness will be eradicated in your case. Then you will neither feel miserable while giving up the ghost not after death.

He has no longer regards any object or living being in the world as his own and who owns nothing is accepted as His own by the Lord, who engenders affinity in his heart to His own self. Full of affinity for the Lord he begins to regard Him alone as his own self.  The Lord is ever existent and ageless; he is all truth, consciousness and bliss. He never ceases to be. On one’s developing affinity to the Lord one attains unceasing proximity to Him. All the divine virtues of the Lord automatically appear in him and, becoming His own for all time to come, he attains the goal of his life.

You really belong to God. By His very nature He ever regards you as His own. You, however, do not consider yourself as His and keep yourself yoked to the slavery of sense-enjoyments, which are perishable and a perennial source of misery. That is why you are kept away from God, who is always yours and the sole object of your affinity. Take it for certain that the Lord is yours. He is, truly speaking, the only object of your affinity. You have naturally a claim on Him and you always exclusively belong to Him and are the object of His affinity alone. No one else ever has any claim on you. You are His sole monopoly. The moment you realize this all your affinity will be centered in Him: and He for His part already regards you as His own. In this way you will have realized the object of your life.

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