To think of harming anyone is to harm ourselves

To think of harming anyone is to harm ourselves

No evil can come to another as a result of our contemplating or doing harm to him or her. An evil consequence is reaped as a result of our past actions. Under such circumstances if we contemplate or do harm to anyone we harm to ourselves. When our mind harbors ill-will towards another, such ill-will reacts on our own life. We continue to mould ourselves according to the Pattern of our thoughts.

There are numerous blessings in the kingdom of God and the Lord has also endowed us with a wonderful faculty of entertaining blessed thoughts. If we turn this faculty to account, not only will our joy and happiness of others.
When we contemplate or do good to others we do good to our own self, the continued continues practice of contemplating good promotes our tendency to do good. Then it becomes our nature to do good, and our doing good to others reacts most favourably on others; they too begins to contemplate and do good to us in return. In this way all are benefited as a matter of course by contemplating and doing good to one another. We earn the good fortune of performing the meritorious act of propagating and extending good.

The capacity of those who make unstinted and timely use of the God-given faculty of doing good develops further; while those who do not make the most of their capacity in time have to repent. Growing feebler and feebler the capacity disappears. Therefore, do not lose an opportunity in hand; do not put it off a benevolent act for the morrow. Do it immediately and whole heartedly as far as possible and expending your full energy in the proper channel. The Lord’s grace will descend on you. Your capacity will grow and your will be able to make yourself blessed by serving as a mighty instrument in the hands of the hands of the lord, the benefactor of the world.

We ever seek and expect from others that all may do a good turn to us, that none may persecute us, that none may do an ill turn to us, that none may persecute us, that none may do us harm. Start doing unto others what you would have them to do unto you. The good turn done by you will revert to you. The good turn done by you will revert to you in an infinite measure in the same way as few handfuls of grain sown in a field by a cultivator return to him in an infinite degree.

He who seeks his own gratification, welfare and good but does not wish well of others, nay, who persecutes others, wishes ill of them and wishes harm to them cannot attain happiness, blessedness and good luck. He may at one time deucedly account himself happy, but he can never be happy. To wish harm to others is to harm one’s own self. This is an established conclusion, a really unfailing proposition.

You have not at all come to this earth for contemplating harm to anyone. The Lord has vouchsafed to you a human body in order that you may achieve your salvation even while contemplating and doing good to all, all the time, and in the end attain the blessed goal of realizing the supremely blessed Divinity. This is the object of your life as a human being and to move carefully towards it is your only paramount duty. Keep this great objective in mind and continue to discharge your duty.

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