Let your words be flowers not thorn

Let your words be flowers not thorn

Speech is manifestation of Mother Saraswati (the Goddess of speech and learning). Speech is mighty force by turning which to account man can bring all under his sway and by abusing which he can make enemies of all. To speak words which cause annoyance to none, nay , which are truthful agreeable and wholesome, and at other times to read good books and to sing, repeat loudly and other times to read good books and to sing, repeat loudly and mutter the Lord’s blessed names, stories and praises is to make the best use of one’s speech.

The best use of one’s speech consists speaking words which bring joy and delight to the mind of hearer as soon as they reach his or her ears, and which people may long to hear with love and eagerness, which are imbued with respect, honour, humility and politeness, which are sweet and salutary, which inspire and stimulate wholesome courage and intrepidity, which promote reverence and respect for morality, righteousness, scriptures, saints and devotes, men of devotees, men of renunciation and chaste woman and so on, which encourage worship and remembrance of God, which are calculated to propagate magnanimity, self-abnegation and love and which are uttered with a cheerful heart and smiling face.

With proper use the purity and power of speech grows. Whatsoever escapes from the lips of a man who never tells a lie and always speaks the truth begins to come out true. Propagating love and joy among all living beings everywhere, suave and wholesome speaks evokes love and joy in the immense degree. Salutary speech which is imbued with humility, modesty, honour, and respect draws forth respect, service, honour and respect draws forth respect, service, honour and blessedness in a very large measure in return; while speech engaged in loudly uttering or muttering the blessed names, stories and praises of the Lord helps men in ridding them of the threefold suffering by disseminating divinity, sanctity and spirituality in the world, and renders their life fruitful and blessed by easily bringing them face with Divine Grace.

To tell lies, to expose other’s faults, to vilify others, to bears tales, to speak harsh words lacking in suavity, to pronounce a curse, to use abusive language, to make fun of others, to use sarcastic and taunting words, to call a maimed or deformed person as such, to use insulting, derogatory or harmful words, to give a false assurance, to revile God, the scriptures, saints, devotees and others, to utter words which dishearten a man, encourage pusillanimity and give rise to fear and dejection, to give false evidence, to utter words which turn one from the right path and lead him to the wrong one, to speak words expressive of pride rigidity and self esteem, to make false promises and utter words fomenting discord and hatred, to indulge in gossip and idle talk and to speak excessively – this is misuse, abuse if speech and is absolutely undesirable.

Those who utter with their tongue harsh and impolite words that pierce like a shaft, use sarcastic language with reference to others and ridicule can mock them pointing out their defects, speak insulting and harmful words, abuse or curse them and utter words that mar others’ interests automatically engender hatred and animosity, affliction and discord, suffering and agony, anger and violence and so on, invite disquiet, cheerlessness, fear and misgiving, sorrow, misfortune, grief and dejection for themselves as well as for others too to burn. Their judgement gets vitiated, inciting them to newer and newer sins resulting in their complete ruination. This is the result of misuse of speech.

The man who speaks sweet, salutary, truthful, auspicious, extremely polite and needful words does good to himself as well as to all. Force, authority, effectiveness and the power of truth begin to grow in his speech and whatever is uttered by his tongue begins to turn out true. Therefore, instead of being unbridled in your speech, speak only as much as is essential for the occasion and make sure before you speak that whatever you speak is true and wholesome for the man whom you are speaking to.

Even truthful and salutary words should be propitious, sweet and extremely polite. Otherwise people will be nonchalant in receiving them; nay, in some cases your words will evoke a spirit of revolt and their effect will be as good as nullified.

If you utter words which are unpropitious, full of pride, indifference, self-praise, calumny of and insult to others and vain obstinacy, and which are of the nature of meaningless jargon, they will not only prove harmful to you but also have a baneful effect on those who hear them. Therefore, speak as little as possible only when necessary and guarding your speech against the aforesaid evils.

While suavity and politeness of speech are essential, dissimulation, sycophancy and duplicity should be guarded against. Your words should be artless and not idle either. Speak only such words as are calculated to promote love, confidence, spirit of serving and gratifying one another, self denial and affinity. At the same time take care not to utter words which are likely to engender likes and dislikes by creating a feeling of unnecessary mecum.

Take care never to interrupt two persons talking to each other. Even if it is necessary to do so in their interest, do so with modesty after taking their leave. Never controvert the statement of another. If the views of a man are erroneous, first try to win him over by applauding his virtues and then politely point out to him the error of his views for his consideration. Then he will be able to rid himself of that error. Otherwise, taking you to be his opponent, he will clasp that error to his life all the more.

Humour which is innocent and enhances delight besides bringing out excellences in even essential in life; but never indulge in a jest, which pricks one’s heart which cast an aspersion on and is harmful to another and which betrays one’s own folly.

Speech which is not only wholesome sweet but also propitious and profound, is held in great esteem; even good thinkers give thought to it. On the other hand, speech which has a tinge of shallowness about it and which consists of unpropitious and useless words falls flat on the hearers and is dismissed as nonsense. Such speech goes in vain. Therefore, say that you have got to say seriously in a few pregnant and propitious words.

Speech can scatter poison and speech alone can spread nectar everywhere. Scatter nectar all round by your speech. That speech alone will spread nectar which is truthful, heightens enthusiasm and joy, is guideless, sweet and wholesome, which releases a sacred stream of nectar in the shape divine virtues and the holy names and praises of extremely polite and auspicious words, be chary of speech and, restraining your speech from uttering harmful and useless words, constantly keep it engaged in muttering and chanting the divine Names and singing the Lord’s praises, here lies the utility of your tongue and such speech alone proves helpful in leading one’s life on the road to true success.

There lies a great strength in silence; therefore observe silence regularly for some time every day. Observe silence for a day every week or every month and devote the period of silence to noble thoughts, contemplation on the Self or contemplation of God.

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