Be a
true actor
Your relationship in this
world with your body as well as with the living beings and objects connected
with its akin to that which an actor on the stage bears with his assumed role
and name as well as with the other actors playing their respective parts on the
same stage under varied names and costumes as also with the activities
pertaining to the stage.
While on the stage the actor
in question names himself according to the part that has been allotted to him.
Nay, he calls someone his father, another his mother, a third his son, a fourth
his friend, nay, someone his own and another as a rival and deals with them
accordingly. In those capacities he may attains sovereignty on the one hand and
lose a son on the other. Now he weeps and now he laughs. He gives expression to
various sentiments according to the part he has to play. He, however, does not
at any time recognize as really true anything pertaining to the stage, any
living being or object figuring there, any action, nay, not even his own name
and personality. He knows in his heart of hearts that, assuming a particular
name and garb, he plays with other similar actors. You too are an actor of the
same type. Your present name and personality have been given to you for the
sake of play alone; they do not constitute your real self.
The joys and sorrows, gain
and loss, honour and ignominy, acquisition and loss of fortune, the birth and
death of son, victory and defeat, agreeable and disagreeable experiences,
success and failure, friend and foe and so on met with on the stage are mere
play. Recognizing himself as entirely beyond these pairs of opposites and these
contrary experiences as mere play, the aforesaid actor remains inwardly
untouched by them; he neither claims them as his own nor does his mind revolt
against them; he neither craves for them nor does he feel inwardly attracted
towards them. While duly playing his part in a most efficient manner according
to the role allotted to him, he remain free from desire, unattached-untainted, even
while discharging all your duties efficiently like an actor.
If an actor actually seeks
to appropriate or calls his own an article of wearing apparel, ornament etc put
on by him while on the stage, or those who play the part of a son, wife and so
on to him, he is accounted a mad man or an offender and is duly admonished or
brought to book. The object or the individual claimed by him as his own never
turns out to be his; for it never belonged to him. It was placed at his
disposal only for the sake of play. Similarly he who seeks to Lord it over the
living beings and objects of this world, treating them as his own, is not only
not able to get but is held punishable and undergoes suffering.
Just as the actor had
existed in his own being till he appeared on the stage in a garb appropriate to
his role, he exists in his own being even after he has made his appearance on
the stage in his theatrical attire to play his allotted part. Assuming another
name and exterior, he has appeared on the stage merely in order to play the
part allotted to him by his master. Taking your present name and form, you too
have likewise made your appearance in this world in order to play your part for
the pleasure of your master. Bearing in this mind, go on playing your part in
accordance with your allotted role for the pleasure of the Lord. Ever maintain
the attitude of a servant carrying out the behest of his master. Continue to
discharge your duties according to your role so long as He desires you to work
in the world with a distinct name and form. But ever continue to realize firmly
in your heart that you have really nothing to do with his work or with those
with whom you have to deal so far as this work is concerned. Your concern is
with the Lord alone. He is your extremely noble eternal Master and you are His
eternal servant following His pleasure.
He alone is the servant of
Lord, who is mastered by none-no other living being, object or circumstance and
who does not claim as his own any living being, object or circumstance other than
the service of the Lord. Only such an exclusive servant of the Lord is the His
true servant and the Lord too is an exclusive master of such a servant alone.
- Be a True Actor
- God is the Real Actor