How to
attain eternal joy and peace
Joy and peace do not inhere
in the living beings and inanimate objects in which you seek for them; they
themselves suffer from want and deficiency. While you are deprived of joy and
peace in their absence, the more they come to you the keener will be your want
and deficiency; and joy and peace will stand remoter from you to the same
degree. Joy and peace will reign where there is all-sufficiency and permanency
and where want is completely absent. God alone is such an entity. One should to
realize God. Without Him the world is full of wants. All wants will cease the
moment you realize Him and eternal, genuine and infinite joy and peace will be
attained by you.
The realization of the
aforesaid all-sufficient God is the true goal of your life. It is for this
alone that human life has been vouchsafed to you, so that, giving up the
infatuation for living beings and inanimate objects that are deficient and
suffering from want, you may engage yourself in an endeavour to realize God and
fulfil your life by realizing Him. Falling away from the goal of human
existence, if you fail to do so, you will engage in actions which will not only
result in the failure of your human life but will also mar your future.
Descending into demoniac states of existence and the darkest hells you will
become unhappy.
The number of times you have
to breathe in this life is pre-ordained. The body will cease to function the
moment the number is completed; and the act of respiration is uninterruptedly
going on. Therefore engage yourself quickly in the endeavour for attaining your
true goal. Do not give way to error and sloth. Neither engages in idle and
harmful pursuits not worth undertaking nor put off the endeavour for the
realization of your end for the morrow. Engage this very moment with an
undivided mind in the endeavour for the attainment of your goal. There is no
knowing when death overtakes you. You must reach the goal before it comes.
No inanimate object, living
being or circumstance belongs to you nor is it intimately related to you nor
again will you gain or lose anything as a matter of fact if these objects or
living beings or circumstances are united with or disunited from you, if they
come to you or leave you. In vain have you forged a tie of affinity with them
and have consequently not only fallen into the quagmire of misery and bondage
but continue to perpetrate newer sins by conceiving likes and dislikes. God
alone is your own, and He is ever with you. Neither conceives full relationship
with them nor hates them regarding them as alien to you. Remain equipoise in
getting or not getting them and, perceiving God as uniformly present in all of
them at all times and under all circumstances, remain absorbed in
Integral transcendent
perennial unending joy abides in God alone; it is His very essence. When God
flashes to you through the whole world everywhere at all times, the world
itself would turn out to be joy incarnate in every way at all times in your
eyes and you too will become joy personified. But until and unless you are able
to see God in the world the world would remain an ‘abode of suffering’ and a
‘fountain of misery’.
Tags : Eternal Joy and peace
Tags : Eternal Joy and peace