Sorrow certitude of self centeredness

Sorrow: certitude of self centeredness

 Ego-centeredness is the root of all evils. Ego-sense alone gives rise to the sense of mineness as well as to attachment and aversion. When the feeling of ‘I’ is present, the sense of ‘mine’ is also there is ‘mine’, it naturally follows that what is ‘mine’ should not only remain intact but should also flourish and grow. And a man naturally feels attracted towards that which is his and is repelled by that which does not belong to him. Nay, our likes and dislikes alone are the main factors giving rise to lust, anger, greed and infatuation.

If there is no sense of identification with the body and the name by which one is called, why should one feel happy or miserable over the survival or death of the body or over one’s being extolled or maligned? It is the name alone which is extolled or maligned. When a man looks upon praise as his gain and censure as his loss and feels happy or miserable over them, it should be taken for granted that he is dominated by the ego-sense and is not in touch with his real self.

It is due to this ego-centeredness that even the so-called wise—those who expound the true nature of the Self through their speech—lapse into ignorance and begin to wrangle with one another to exalt their own doctrine. It is through ignorance born of this ego-sense that they seek adoration for their physical body and the exaltation of their name. There can be no such hankering in the spirit that people should keep its photo or statue and offer homage and worship to it or that its name should be immortalized in history. Such ignorance is brought into play only through the ego-sense. Even wise men feel inclined to write or make others write their biography in terms of praise. Even wise men receive addresses dwelling on their excellences and lavishing praise on them. Even wise men propagate their ideas in the name of public good and even wise men long to make money and earn reputation and bodily comfort through it under cover of beneficence. This no index of real wisdom. This is only a picture of perverted intellect clouded with Tamas. He who is endowed with such an intellect is not wise in the real sense of the term. This is really ignorance pure and simple form the point of view of Self-Realization. All this is an inevitable consequence of self-centredness.

Until this self-centredness is curbed there can be no renunciation nor will it be possible to attain peace or to root out ignorance. The following are the three principal ways if eradicating the ego-sense:-

(1)                Pondering on the same nature of the self as well as of the world one should obtain insight into one’s own wretched state, powerlessness and helplessness and acknowledge them and, taking refuge in the omnipotent, all-powerful, all-knowing and unaccountably kind-hearted Lord, get united with Him once for all. Genuine humility on one’s part is the only remedy capable of eradicating the ego-sense, and it is through this humility that one is enabled to throw himself at the mercy of the Lord.

(2)                  Withdrawing one’s identification with the body and the name by which it is called, one should fasten it upon the all-perceiving Self. A man should feel that he is neither the body nor the name by which he is called, that he is the unconcerned Self that ever witnesses all the activities of the body and all other objective existences during the waking and dream states as well as in deep slumber, that the gains and losses of the body and its appellation are not his gains and losses; that the all-witnessing Self is a mere concept and that in reality there is nothing else than one divine entity.

(3)           It is God Himself who stands manifested for the sake of His sport and by His own will in the form of the cosmos and all sport and by His own will in the form of the cosmos and all cosmic activities. He alone is eternally sporting by Himself and within Himself. Creation and destruction, genesis and dissolution—all constitute the sport of that all-sportful Lord. There are only two entities here—the all-sportful Lord himself is manifest as the Divine Play. You are a plaything brought into existence by alone. In reality He alone exists.
Effort should be made to eradicate the ego-sense by adopting any one of these three methods. The ego-sense alone is bondage and Mukti consists in eradicating it.

  • Self Centeredness 
  • Sorrow certitude of self centeredness
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