summon bonum of human life
Everyone on this world is
in the grip of want. A want is not supplied by securing a living being or
object; the number of our wants, on the other hand, is increased thereby. Therefore,
he who seeks to satisfy his wants by means of worldly objects and incessantly
strives for their acquisitions ever meets with frustration..
World is full of wants,
the supreme spirits of all existence. Hence they who seek to realize the
supreme spirits all existence rather than seeks to satisfy their worldly wants
go on becoming rich in being and continue as a matter of course to be rich of
the flame of wants.
He who, on the other hand, has enormous wealth,
manpower and honour is endowed with luxuries of this world and the next, has
risen to the position of Indra, the ruler of Gods, but who is forgetful of God,
is never in the grip of the wants and hence extremely miserable. Though richly
endowed with all the pleasures of senses, he ever continues to burn. He can
never have peace; for all that he has is deficient, transient and perishable.
The carving for living being
and objects of the world alone is mainly responsible for the disquietude, worry
and misery of man as well as for the sins perpetrated by him. The root of this
craving for sense-enjoyments lies in the fact that man erroneously seeks to be
rid of the fire of want through flames of luxuries. It is for this reason that
he continues spend his life in ever new endeavour, in ever new hankering for
enjoyment and getting together the wherewithals to satisfy such hankerings. It
is for this reason that he fails to victim to greed and self esteem on
attaining his desired object and is overcome with anger and agitation on
failing to secure that object and is overcome with anger and agitation on
desired object and is overcome with anger and agitation on failing to secure
that object. Consequently his life becomes full of suffering, violence and
misery; and he breathes his last burning day and night in the fire of anxiety
in this way. His human life is not only wasted thereby, but the accumulation of
newer and newer sins renders his future miserable and gloomy. Hereafter he has
to suffer the tortures of demoniac wombs and the internal regions.
The human body is not
meant for enjoyment. It has been vouchsafed to us for carrying on spiritual
endeavour and for realizing God as a result of such endeavour. This is the sole
supreme and ultimate goal of human life. Those devilish men who, forgetting
this aim, remain exclusively engaged in getting together and enjoying luxuries
not only kill their soul but also encourage others by their example to such
spiritual suicide, and push them into infernal regions.
They alone are your well
wishers, kinsmen, your own, beloved of you and pre-eminent in the real sense,
who direct your mind towards God, drawing it away from sense enjoyments
intensify your attachments to the feet of the Lord, riding you of the lure of
the pleasures of sense. People directing you to sense-enjoyments and
stimulating your likes and dislikes—be they your own people or outsiders, be
their officials, leaders, ministers, governors, preceptors, holy men, exalted
souls, devotes or men calling themselves pre-eminently your own—are not your
well wishers in the true sense, are not really your own. They are themselves
astray and are leading you astray. Beware of them.
Every moment of life is
priceless and serves as a golden opportunity for God—realization. If your mind
remains fixed on God at the moment of your departure from this world you will
be able to realize God. And you will go down to perdition if your mind set on
hell at the moment of death. Thought of sense-enjoyment coloured with a
yearning for such enjoyment is surcharged with worries and agonies of various
kinds, hence it is a veritable hell. Therefore sense-enjoyments: who knows when
death overtakes you. If you continue to think of God at time of death you will
surely realize God and God alone—your will have achieved its object.
The specialty of Human
life lies in a man’s being able to serve God while remaining engrossed in His
thought. Thought of sense-enjoyments is common to all, thought. Thought of
sense-enjoyments is common to all, including beasts and birds. He who thinks of
sense-enjoyments rather remain engrossed in the thought of God undergoes
complete ruination—meets with a fall. And the fellow, though clothed with a
human semblance, is really worse than remains beast; for the death of a man
devoted to sense-enjoyment repeatedly throws him into demoniacal wombs and the
infernal regions; dissipating the stocks of merits which had earned him a human
body, he is heading towards degradation in consequence of his vile deeds.
The death of sub-human
creatures such as beasts and birds is a precursor of their evolution. Reaping the
fruit of their past evil deeds in the course of their life and having been disencumbered
of them, such beasts and birds progress in the scale of evolution; while the
soul clothed with a human body takes with him a load of sins by perpetrating
evil deeds, to reap suffering after being thrown into hellish wombs. In this way
he heads towards degradation.
When you have assumed a
human form vindicate your humanity, foster the human nature and keeping the
senses and mind under control, perform with them—in order to realize God, the
summum bonum of human life, and in a spirit of service to the Lord—such actions
alone where by your human existence may be vindicated and attain its end.
You are not slave of your
mind and senses; You are the master of them all—immutable, desire less,
all-powerful and the ruler of all. All these have been vouchsafed to you in
order that they may minister to you—to your own Self, the Lord, and that they
may lord it over you and make a free draft on your service. Therefore,
recognizing your own self, devote your mind and senses to pursuits leading to
your spiritual welfare, to the service of God, rather than allow them to follow
their own whims. Intent on God your mind and senses will conduce to your
spiritual welfare; freely indulging in luxuries, on the other hand, they will
lead to your degradation and complete ruination.
Remember human life is momentary,
this life of yours is drifting every moment in the stream of death. There is no
knowing when it will come to an end. Therefore, with great vigilance devote
every moment of your life to the service of God. Do not allow it to be frittered
away in wrong doing.
Your future lies in your
hands alone. You are yourself the means of your spiritual well-being. Guarding
against evil company, ever cultivate the fellowship of good men without
interruption, accumulate that which is good contemplate on the good, perform
good deeds and attain the good alone. Truly speaking, God alone is ‘good’. Everything
other than to God is Evil.
- Summon Bonum of human life
TTagged : en Important Keys of life, Sommum Bonum, meditation, spirituality, god grace, spirituality, spiritual superpower, devine power, how to over come anger, about meditation, meditation, ashtanga yoga, Important Keys of Man Girl Meditation spirituality ashtanga yoga