Cultivate contentment An effective source of happiness

 Cultivate contentment An effective source of happiness
A major weakness with man is his lasting discontent. Through this alone he remains ever unhappy. There is no limit to covetousness; the more one gets the more does covetousness grow. Covetousness does not cease with the attainment of objects of enjoyment; on the other hand, the range of covetousness goes on widening the more one is able to get objects of enjoyment. The capacity to enjoy luxuries may come to an end, but covetousness does not cease. It ever keeps the wealthiest man as well as a man owing the most extensive dominion indigent. Covetousness never grows old, it enjoys perpetual youth.

He alone is supremely happy, whose mind remains contended under all circumstances. In fact contentment alone constitutes that supreme wealth on getting which a man remains ever rich. No situation can make him miserable or improved. The exalted state which is attained through contentment is higher and more exalted even than the position of the greatest emperor.

He alone who is richly endowed with contentment is a really pious soul. He who does not feel contented even on renouncing his hearth and home can never be a pious soul. He for his part remains burning in the fire of discontent day and night. Contentment alone is the supremely soothing substance which serves as a balm illumines those phases of life which are sombre through gloom.

The mind of a man who is not contented can never get concentrated. It never remains distracted and restless. Discontent converts a man into a thief, a cheat, a dacoit and a demon usurping others’ rights. Discontent alone fosters ill-will, anger, animosity and violence. Virtues like amiability, tranquility, love and a spirit of service never appear in the life of a discontented man. Even if any of these does appear for a few moments it gets blasted by the fire of discontent.

Contentment follows from the conviction that the world is transient, full of suffering and unreal, or from faith in the benign dispensation of the Lord. Every worldly situation is, really speaking, either a mere illusion, nonentity, or a pastime of the Lord, in which various Rasas or emotions come into play. If it is an illusion, there is no room whatsoever for discontent. If, on the other hand, it is a pastime, every pas time is full of supreme joy following from the sweet and benign vision of the Lord. The mind gets absorbed into it.

They alone who continue to burn in the fire of discontent, kindle the fire of discontent in the heart of others and inflame them. They allege that progress is out of the question without discontent. A man seeking progress must remains discontented. This is, however, a distorted picture presented to their perverted judgment by their discontented mind. When a man’s intellect gets clouded by ignorance and his judgement perverted, he comes to recognize everything as the reverse of what it is. Hence taking evil to be good, he not only chooses the evil but also seeks to represent it as good and communicate it to others.

A wave of joy continuously flowing as a matter of course from the inner being of a man who is contented of mind affects those living about him and gives them a share of regard to pairs of opposites like a friend and foe, joy and sorrow, obloquy and praise and turn out to be a devotee of God; and he alone can offer true worship to the Lord through his peaceful life.

Contentment does not consist in indolence, sloth, negligence and so on. A contented man alone can really perform good deeds with a settled mind; for his mind remains tranquil and his intellect is unsullied, discriminating and capable of correct judgment.

The best means of attaining supreme happiness is “Contentment”. A discontented man will be ever unhappy, whether object of whatever description and whatever situation he may be able to attain. Contentment, however in the matter of God-remembrance or God-love is a great hindrance. Contentment is helpful in the domain of worldly luxuries and an obstacle in the way of God-remembrance. Therefore never be contended with God-remembrance. The target can never be reached in God –remembrance. Spiritual effort will ever be inadequate and love for God can never reach the highest limit.

A sensual man, on the other hand, feels ever discontented in the matter of sense-gratification. He invariably finds everything he gets deficient and Jongs to have more. He seeks to do more, much more than what he actually does towards that end. With this feeling of discontent he continues to extend his sphere of activity, with the consequence that, fastening himself on all sides he gets irrevocably enmeshed and is beset day and night by enjoy peace. So far, however, as spiritual discipline and God-remembrance are concerned, he feels ever contented. In the first instance he feels no necessity for them; if at all he does anything, he does a very little in a limited quantity and for a short while and assumes that he is doing a lot. That is why spiritual discipline or God-remembrance is not possible for him and the result is that true happiness and real peace are withheld from him.

If, out of the twenty-four hours comprising a full day, one spends a few minutes in God-remembrance and devotee more than twenty three hours to the enjoyment of luxuries and to endeavours for procuring them, his mind naturally cleaves to luxuries and to endeavours for procuring them, his mind naturally cleaves to luxuries and does not get focused on God. Failure of the mind to get focused on God constitutes the wastage of human life and is a grievous error.

Attachments to luxuries and the craving for them make’s one life sensual. Sensuality deprives a man of his judgement and a man who has lost his reason starts doing things which ought not to be done by him and which he has been personally deprecating an denouncing. Addiction to sinful pursuits takes away his disgust for them in the first instance and then he begins to look upon them and then to glory in sinful acts, so that his life gets steeped in sin and the result is that he departs from the world with an endless stock of sins. In this way not only is his human life wasted—not only does he miss the supreme and ultimate goal of human goal of human existence in the shape of God-Realization – but as a result of his sin he is compelled to descend birth after birth into demoniac wombs such as those of a dog and swine, a fiend and ogre and worms and insects, and to suffer dreadful tortures in hell. Hence his human life is not only frittered away, but also proves to be a source of rank mischief. Therefore, always embrace contentment in the field of sense-gratification – remain contented with whatever may be got you; but never feels contented with your spiritual endeavour. Go on intensifying it.

True wealth consists in God-remembrance alone; that alone is the highest riches. Lack of God-remembrance alone is abject penury and a dire calamity. In God-remembrance alone lies your supreme wisdom and good fortune; lack of God—remembrance alone is appalling sin. Therefore, practice God-remembrance day and night. Indulge in the thought of God with your mind, chant the names and praised of God with your speech and render service and offer worship to God through every benignant activity carried on with your body. Remaining engaged in God-remembrance as aforesaid day and night, steep your life in God remembrance. Then alone is human life worth the name and there lies its utility.

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