Divine Knowledge, You are very dear to him indeed

You are very dear to him indeed
Just see what your condition is—the body is afflicted with illness, the mind is fickle and impure, the intellect is fickle in the pursuits and as such, life has become the abode of miseries, and so weeping and wailing you are drifting all the times towards death.

The dreadful waves of the worldly ocean are beating you, leaping again and again. You are not able to think out at all as to how you will get rid of them. If at any time you do try to steady some idea, just then, a new wave arises, gives you a violent jerk and carries your idea away, goodness knows where.

In this way, nobody knows since what a long period you have been diving in this ocean of sorrow—you are neither able to see any means of escape anywhere nor able to see its beginning or end enywhere.

Only one thing can end this misery of yours. That expedient is—‘To take refuge in the Lord and call on Him’. The Lord has said, ‘Those who fix their mind on Me, I rescue them very speedily from the ocean of birth and death’. Call upon Him if you wish to escape the terrible waves of worldly existence. Tell him, ‘ O Lord, I fell wherever I went because so far I did not find anybody who knows no fall. You are infallible. Feeling mean and miserable today, I have sought refuge in you. Pray, save me from this terrible fear!’

Take it for certain—if your call is sincere, He will surely save you. He will not see—who you are, what kind of man you are, how you act and think or whether you are virtuous or sinful, He will only see whether or not you have faith in Him or in His grace, and how sincere is your invocation.

The Lord is the refuge of the refugeless, friend of the destitute and redeemer of the fallen. If you will look towards Him considering yourself really refugeless, destitute and fallen and call on Him to make you His own, then making you his own and purifying you, he will surely take you in his lap just as an affectionate mother, lifting her dear son full of filth into her lap, embraces him after washing his filth away with her own hands.

Be sure:— No one is as dear to you as your very own, as the very breath of your being, as the life of your life and the soul of your soul as the Lord Himself you are very dear to Him indeed. Dear one! Just call on Him at least once with love! You will see, how soon and what an endearing love of His you get in return.
  • Divine Knowledge
  • You are very dear to him indeed
 Tagged : Divine Knowledge, You are very dear to him indeed, Just see what your condition is the body is afflicted with illness, the mind is fickle and impure

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