Who is God , Look beyond the veil

Look beyond the veil

The whole of this creation and all its activities are nothing else than God. It is God who evolves Himself by Himself and it is He who sustains Himself by Himself. Through His own Energy, Yogamaya, He Himself becomes everything. 

He is never disunited from you. Disunion being out of the question, the truth is that it is God who is carrying on His sport in your form. Your gaze is fixed on the unreal things of the world; that is why you feel as if you were disunited from God.

Though permeating all and being every thing, God is distinct from all-transcends all. All the three states of the universe, referred to above, are assumed in God, or rather it is God Himself who, having assumed all forms, permeates all and has taken all these states upon Himself. God can never be disunited from you nor can you be disunited from God; for you nor can you be disunited from God; for you are not disunited from Him. But this can be realized by you are not disunited from Him. But this can be realized by you only when see God pervading all and perceive everything in God.

There are a variety of vessels made of clay, a variety of ornaments made of gold and toys, bearing various names and forms, made of sugar. But are all those vessels of clay anything other than clay? Are all those gold ornaments anything apart from gold? And are those playthings of sugar anything but sugar, which is full of sweetness through and through? Just as all these things are substantially the same as clay, gold or sugar, though exhibiting an infinite variety of names and forms, even so this world consisting of various names and forms is essentially God Himself. There is, of course, this much of difference that whereas the makers of these thing, viz., the potter, the goldsmith and confectioner are distinct from one another and are other than the articles themselves—to use the terminology of logic, while they are the efficient cause and He alone the material cause; it is He who has made everything and it is He again has become everything and it is He again who has become everything.

Until you fix your gaze on the fundamental reality and so long as you continue to regard the external names and forms as real, the reality will elude your grasp, even though you it before your eyes, in your very hands. You will go on searching for it. Instead of looking for the substance, recognize it. So long as you fail to recognize it, you will ever continue to wander in the dreadful forest of transmigration and will not be able to realize God—Who is eternally true and always present everywhere—nor to enjoy His infinite Bliss.

Neither you have to fetch God from somewhere nor are you required to go anywhere for the sake of God. Detaching yourself from your name and form, fix your gaze on your real self; and removing the veil of worldly names and forms, let God look at you. Really speaking, God stands ever realized.

You talk of God being not realized only so long as He is not recognized and the veil is not lifted from your eyes. Apart from God there is nothing which is wakeful in all circumstances, nay, which manifests itself in your own form. Realize Him, realize Him everywhere at every moment and attain the goal of your life. In fact, you have already attained it. Correct the error of refusing to believe that you have attained it.

  • Who is God 
  • Look beyond the veil

Tagged : Who is God, Look beyond the veil, god is one, define God, God Grace, god, Yogamaya, God energy 

About God, Keep yourself established in spirit

Keep yourself established in spirit
Spiritual divine wealth (Maya)
Honour and ignominy attach to the ‘form’ or ‘body’ while praise and obloquy relate to the ‘name’ , and neither of these two, viz., the ‘form  and ‘name’ constitutes yourself. The body is brought into existence in the mother’s womb during the period of gestation, while a name is given only after birth. Names are changed as well. Hence the said form and name do not belong to the spirit, while a name is given only after birth. 
Names are changed as well. Hence the said form and name do not belong to the spirit, while you are the spirit. You existed as the Spirit even before this body was brought into existence and will survive even after death, none can do honour to the Spirit or subject it to ignominy nor can anyone applaud or denounce it. Hence do not exult on being honoured or applauded not get perturbed over ignominy or obloquy. Treating them as alike, do not accept them.

Spiritual Guide
Unkind treatment and ignominy as well as obloquy and abuse are as unpalatable as kind treatment and honour as well as applause and praise are palatable and partially and prejudice are engendered accordingly. Partiality and prejudiced result in the loss of the spiritual divine wealth and the augmentation of the material demoniacal wealth. Where the production and promotion of the demoniacal wealth begin to take place, immoral practices and evil thoughts, sins and anguish inevitably appear and grow. In this way human life becomes an unfailing means to sorrows and hellish tortures. If you ponder a bit deeply you will come to perceive directly that you are neither the body nor the name and that not only honour and ignominy or praise and obloquy but all other pairs of opposites such as gain and loss, victory and discomfiture, auspicious and inauspicious, agreeable and disagreeable, joy and sorrow, friend and foe, life and death relate only to the body and name and form alone. Take these pairs of opposites to be the Maya (deluding potency) of the Lord or His divine drama and you will transcend this state of susceptibility to pairs of opposites.

This play of the pairs of opposites itself constitute the world—Maya, while the state which transcends the pairs of opposite or the state which transcends the pairs of opposites or the state of equilibrium is Brahma (the Absolute). The pairs of opposites are eternal and indestructible. This latter alone constitutes your being. Being your very self, it is easily realizable; nevertheless in the state of your being established in Matter the Truth remains veiled. Therefore at present endeavor in the aforesaid manner to remain free from infatuation for the pairs of opposites; neither exults over honour and applause nor feel troubled by ignominy and obloquy. Likewise strive to remain balanced in the midst of all pairs of opposites.

Diversity in function
Even though in your dealings with the world (even as notwithstanding the diversity in the functions of the various limbs of the body no diversity exists in them from the point of view of their self hood) diversity may appears on the surface according to the diversity of circumstances, yet inwardly no pair of opposites should react favourably or unfavourably on you. The sense of possession and attachment expands and the feelings of agreeability and disagreeability are engendered because of your identification with the body and the name, which is altogether false and unwarranted. Therefore, ever strive to look upon yourself established in the Spirit, as the Spirit itself, and, recognizing the false name and form to be utterly assumed, realize you to be wholly distinct from them.

Diverse form and its Name
All diversities relate to the name and form. The name and form are intended only for worldly dealings. The even nature of the Self, which is altogether free from diversity, does not change because of these. Remaining established in the equipoise self, which constitutes your very being, deal according to the deserts of everyone in the phenomenal world. Diversity will ever remain free from pairs of opposite under all circumstances. The diversities in your tranquil self; they will rather serve as an embellishment to the pacific ocean of yourself.

  • About God
  • Keep yourself established in spirit
  • Understanding god
understanding god, about god, god the father, grace of god, Honour and ignominy attach to the ‘form’ or ‘body’ while praise and obloquy relate to the ‘name’ , and neither of these two, viz., the ‘form’  and ‘name’ constitutes yourself.

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