Tread the path of God realization

sanchi sthupa smarak
sanchi sthupa smarak
The truth that God-realization is the sole end of human existence is reiterated as well as drummed into one’s ears hundreds and thousands of times; but very few people tread the path of God-Realization with unfaltering steps. In imitation of those who refuse to tread the aforesaid path themselves and simply talk and hear of it, others too learn how to talk and hear on it. Hence God-Realization remains a mere charming expression.

Society is the only other name for a collection of individuals. If, comprehending and keeping in view the end of one’s existence, every individual constituting a society begins to tread the path of God-Realization without waiting for others, the society will automatically begin to tread that path. Therefore, ceasing to talk and hear of God-Realization, one should personally be up and doing.

A man begin to do a thing the moment he makes up his to do it. Therefore, instead of putting off the work for the morrow, make up your mind this very day to start trading the path of God-Realization. First of all arrive at the conclusion that God-Realization is the goal of your life. To arrive at this conclusion is to turn the face of your life towards the Lord and directed towards luxuries. We have to turn it towards God; when this has been done, even one step forward will be in the direction of the Lord.

oldest temple in rameshwaram
oldest temple in rameshwaram
Turning your face towards the Lord, we have not to stand idle but to walk constantly and carefully on the path towards God-Realization. This is what goes by the name of ‘Sadhana’. In our endeavour for God-Realization all our actions of body, mind and speech have to be done for the pleasure of God and only such actions are intended for the pleasure of God as are to His liking. Hence we have to make our actions conformable to the will of God. Actions which run counter to His will, will be given up as a matter of course.
The principle feature of actions which are conformable to the will of God is an eye to the pleasure of God in every action. And such actions are to protect all, to gratify all, to do good to all, rather than kill others, inflict pain on others or harm; to utter words which are conducive to the good of others, which pay a genuine tribute to the excellences of others, and are true, faultless and called for, or constantly to repeat any name or names of the Lord and read hymns of praises to the Lord, remaining silent otherwise, rather than pronounce a curse on others or abuse others—slander and bear tales against others, tell lies and indulge in the idle gossip; to contemplate good to all, to remain cheerful at heart, to seek self-abnegation, to bear a gentle—compassionate disposition and remain constantly engaged in the thought of the Lord, to practise Japa or Kirtana (chanting) of any particular of any particular name or names of the Lord, adoration and meditation, to cultivate the fellowship of the saints, to render service to the forlon, afflicted and oppressed, indulge in noble thoughts, study sacred texts and offer worship to one’s elders, rather than think evil of others, give way up cruelty and thought of sense-objects. If pursued with a view to the pleasure of the Lord rather than with a craving for enjoyment, these disciplines prove directly conducive to God-Realization. Their prosecution gives rise to love for right conduct, disinclination for enjoyment, purity of mind, a learning towards divine properties, the dawn of knowledge relating to the truth about God and appearance of love for God. This alone constitutes the approved and sure way to God-Realization.

Oldest temple in Tamil Nadu
Oldest temple in Tamil Nadu
Even if you have come to know the way to God-Realization, your end will be achieved only by following it. Therefore, let one commence treading it this very day. One should not allow laziness or negligence to come in the way.

Life is constantly ebbing away—death is approaching. If this passes in error, in lust or enjoyment and in thought of the pleasures of sense, human existence will have ended in failure. No alternative will then be left to us except to repent. Therefore, not the least delay should be allowed to mar our undertakings.

  • Tread the path of God Realization
  • God realization

Tagged : knowing god, god exists, believing god,Tread the path of God realization, The truth that God-realization is the sole end of human existence is reiterated as well as drummed into one’s ears hundreds and thousands of times; but very few people tread the path of God-Realization with unfaltering steps

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