Turn towards God to become supremely happy

Turn towards God to become supremely happy

So long as your face is turned towards sense-enjoyments every forward stride you take takes you in the direction of enjoyment alone, and not in the direction of God. If a man intends to reach Badrinatha in the northern part of India but has his face turned towards Madras in the south, he will continue to advance in the direction opposite to Badrinatha, until he turns his face towards the North, and will recede farther and farther from Badrinatha. Similarly the life of a man moving with his face turned towards sense-enjoyments recedes farther and farther still from God.

The mistaken notion that joy inheres in sense-enjoyments and the resulting attachment to sense-enjoyments does not allow you to turn Godward. You feel inclined to turn towards Him and even try to turn your face slightly towards Him; but aforesaid attachment to sense-enjoyments catches hold of your turning face and forthwith turns it towards sense-enjoyments and your face is consequently unable to turn towards God.

Living in seclusion and residence in a sacred place and so on are no doubt helpful to your cause; but the main thing is absolute unattachment to sense-enjoyments, which is predominantly helpful in turning Godward. When your face turns completely towards God, every forward step that you take will lead you Godward and the more you advance towards God your zeal, your keenness and your capacity to advance will proportionately grow. Godliness, tranquillity, even-mindedness, dispassion, love and the leading to God, will continue to fall to your share. Wonderful of progress will be made by you on the Godward path. Relieved of suffering caused by pairs of opposites and rid of despair worry, fear, melancholy, desire, craving and so on, you will become supremely happy.

So long as you trudge along with your back turned on God and your face turned towards sense-enjoyments, joy and peace will never be attained by you. The more you advance on the path of sense-enjoyments the more you will naturally find yourself encompassed with despair, fear, melancholy, worry attachment and aversion, animosity, disquietude, ill-will, hypocrisy, proneness to accumulate riches, violence desire, craving, the possessive instinct and other evil propensities and evil thoughts, that infest the path of sense-enjoyments, spring from the soil of enjoyments and are the natural outcome of enjoyments, and will ever remain plunged in an ocean of misery. Whithersoever you turn in the hope of attaining joy you will find yourself faced with a terrible heap of sorrows; for it is these alone that figure in the realm of enjoyment. A man stuck in the realm of enjoyment can never enjoy peace or happiness, however glibly he may talk of peace, joy, dispassion and disinterestedness. Disquietude and sorrow will remain his constant companions. Hence make it a point to turn towards God, however it may be. Do it even forcibly.

Your face will be considered to have turned towards God completely and irretrievably only when your mind and reason get dedicated to God and remain constantly and exclusively devoted to Him. But so long as this does not happen, unremittingly continue to link your mind and reason with God. Go on contemplating and dwelling on the names, virtues and form of the Lord and investigating His truth, Abiding and real absence of attachment to the Lord constitute the main discipline.

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