Success woos him alone who depends on Divine grace

Success woos him alone who depends on Divine grace

So long as a man depends on his petty ego-sense, rather than on God, rather than on God, his unaccountable grace, and seeks to achieve success by dint of his personal effort, he has to meet with failure at every step through his egotism to suffer despondency, dejection and grief. Success enables him to achieve supreme success.

Dependence on God does not mean sitting idle, falling a prey to sloth and laches—lying indolent under the fond belief that God will do every thing for him, that he has to do nothing.

He who depends on God is free from egotism; he does not worry about success or failure, does not seek the rewards of his actions. Remaining unswayed by success or failure, he continues to perform uninterruptedly with firmness and vigour in a spirit of service to God actions conformable to the will of God. He does not commit the least blunder in the discharge of his duty, remains devoted to good actions with his entire body and mind for the pleasure of the God. He recognizes himself to be an instrument of god; and, since this feeling enhances the element of sattva in him, so that he neither gives way to despair nor experiences a false excitement of joy caused by the attainment of enjoyments.

A striver depending on God is never swayed by the element of Tamas; hence he is never action less. He seeks nothing from his beloved Lord beyond the consummation that his trustful resignation may never suffer the least diminution, that his devotion full of resignation may grow from more to more, that the Lord may not have to feel the least worried on his account at any time, that he may ever constantly behave like an instrument conformably to the will of the operator with a heart full of spontaneous vigour and joy, that he may never conceive even the egotistic feeling that he has resigned himself to the will of the Lord. Really speaking no ego-inspired action is possible on the part of a man who has resigned himself to the will of the Lord. His resignation is spontaneous like that of a puppet.

He who is resigned to the will of God is never discontented. Discontent is rooted in the feeling of want and in the desire to supply a want. He who is resigned to the will of God experiences no want at all; Hence he never seeks to have his want supplied either. He remains conscious of the Lord, who is an eternal Reality; and acts of the nature of service to the Lord continue to be performed by him.
When a man becomes a property of the Lord, trustfully delivers himself unconditionally into His hands, the spirit of resignation automatically appears in him. He is neither consciousness of his effort nor of the relaxation of his body and mind; His resignation is unconditional. He takes to the service of the Lord, giving up all the care and anxieties. Every action of his directed towards the Lord, is of the nature of service to the Lord; He never feels the necessity of acquiring anything for himself, much less does he seek to acquire anything.

Truly speaking, all the activities of the infinite universe are carried on by the Divine Energy. In the case of a devotee who is resigned to the Lord, however, the responsibility of all his concerns from the smallest to the biggest is shouldered by the Lord Himself. The Lord keeps Himself posted up with what He needs when, and He alone supplies that needs too. He takes the entire responsibility for supplies his wants and for the security of what is vouchsafed to him. And truly speaking the Lord Himself knows what is truly needed by him and wherein his true safety lies. He alone determines the nature of his needs and safety and He alone attends to them. How fortunate is that individual, who has resigned himself to the will of the Lord.

  • Success woos him alone who depends on Divine grace
  • Lord has given to all his grace unmittently

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