Noble propensities entail blessed life

Noble propensities entail blessed life

God-remembrance itself is an act of supreme merit, the highest blessing, unequalled wisdom, an ideal virtue, a divine endowment and the mother of all noble propensities; while forgetting God is a gross sin, a terrible misfortune, an egregious folly, an abominable vice, a dire calamity and the origin of all evil propensities.

It is forgetfulness about God that leads to the prepondence of Rajoguna and Tamoguna and swelling egotism, pride, hatred, anger, violence, hypocrisy etc., makes a man’s life miserable both here and hereafter. If you are keen to guard against these vices, depravities and evil propensities take to constant remembrance of God. The moment you begin to discharge all your legitimate duties in a spirit of service to God, thinking of Him all the time, all your evil propensities will disappear; nay, you will constantly be able to perceive God in all created beings and every act of yours will turn into worship of God.

God indwells every living being; nay, every living being is an embodiment of God or in other words, it is God alone who is manifesting in the form every living being. Armed with this conviction treat every living being with respect, gratify everyone and do good to all. Do not look down upon anyone, do not entertain a low opinion about anyone. If you feel inclined to assign a low, humble and degraded position to anyone, you must attribute these to your own self and the truth also lies that way.

Divine grace descends on him alone who ever remains bent low before God, entertaining a low and humble opinion about him. God loves humility and loathes pride. He curbs pride and hugs the humble. He alone is highly fortunate and a man of good moral character in reality, who is a slave to enjoyment, who is under the sway of fleeting pleasures of sense, which are a source of affliction, is most unfortunate and lives in sin. He begets and undergoes suffering alone both here and hereafter.

He alone really serves all, perceiving God in all, who shows respect to others though free from pride himself, who meets to the best of his ability the wishes of others, though free from hankering himself, nay, who while ignoring his own sufferings, courts all sorts of sufferings in order to make others happy, and who protects the rights of others, waiving his own—not he who merely repeats the utterance ‘God exists in all’.

He alone actually turns out to be highly virtuous, supremely lucky, truly wise, rich in all good qualities, ever affluent and a storehouse of all noble propensities, who does everything for the sake of serving God, perceiving God in all and ceaselessly remembering Him at every time. Through every phase of his life and through every gesture of his he continues to propagate divine virtues, divine sentiments, nay, Divinity Itself throughout the world every moment. He alone has achieved the end of his life, his life alone is blessed.

Such an ideal person is not only blessed himself but exalts by his very birth and existence his country, faith, race and his parents too; and for aeons together he stands out as a beacon-light to the coming generations and makes for their moral and spiritual uplift.

  • Prayers for blessings, catholic blessings
  •  Noble propensities entail blessed life

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